West Fork White River Brentwood Mountain – Brentwood, Arkansas
Project Description

West Fork White River at Brentwood Mountain – After Restoration
The Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRC) in partnership with the Beaver Watershed Alliance and Beaver Water District, developed a design and implemented a natural channel design restoration at a priority area in the West Fork White River(WFWR) watershed. The Arkansas Department of Agriculture – Division of Natural Resources awarded the WCRC and project partners a grant to monitor the site prior to restoration, in order to evaluate sediment and nutrient loads generated by accelerated streambank erosion. Sediment and phosphorus loading from the site were estimated to be 1,000 ton/year and 500 lb/yr, respectively.
Restoration of this site helped meet multiple local and regional objectives relating to stream channel instability, water quality, and habitat. Heavy equipment contracting was performed by Flow State LLC, of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Post-construction monitoring will be ongoing to evaluate the success of the restoration based on sediment reduction and the long-term stability of the site. The restoration will be designed to function through a wide variety of stream discharges including flood events. It is expected that sediment and phosphorus loadings will be reduced by 80%.