Little Sugar Creek Wetland and Stream Restoration @ McKisic Creek, Bentonville, Arkansas
The Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRC) in partnership with the City of Bentonville p implemented a project to reduce riverbank erosion along 1,500 linear feet of riverbank along Little Sugar Creek using an approach that relies heavily on natural channel design principles and the use of materials and techniques that improved aquatic habitat. Restoration of eroding riverbanks included restoring a portion of the bank using toe-wood stabilization techniques. The bank restoration and enhancement met multiple local and regional objectives relating to stream channel instability, water quality, and habitat.
Additionally, a large saturated area on the flood plain that was being mowed was restored to a herbaceous wetland area. The wetland provides biological habitat and filters out urban pollutants. The wetland has an area of approximately 2 acres. The wet depression was transformed through vegetation management by eliminating mowing, removing invasive plants, and introducing wetland and flood plain plant species creating a herbaceous wetland.